Have you always been interested in the paranormal? Have you always wanted to become a paranormal investigator? Well, here is your chance. Fairfield Paranormal Society is Now accepting applications for YOU to join their family of investigators. We have been investigating for a number of years now and would like to expand our group. From Fairfield, PA we have moved home base to Taneytown, MD. If you are interested in becoming a part of F.P.S. please email me back with your name, phone number and area in which you live and why you want to become a paranormal investigator and I will get back with you soon. Please visit our website http://www.fairfieldparanormalsociety.com/
and visit us on facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fairfield-Paranormal-Society/184413644970649
if your stopping by to check us out please if you have experienced enything with the paranormal, or want to be an investigator with us email nicol and you can be in!!! its fun, we are like a family, if its what you like to do take the time contact us and you could be on the road with us ghost hunting.